Monday, August 18th
Rob Marks, the Scout joining us from Ship 306, was already aboard and had opened the boat up and turned on the reefer (refrigerator) so it could begin to cool down.
Once aboard we had to stow the food was, place our gear temporarily in either the aft cabin or the V-berth, raise the colors (me cleating off the American flag, above left), and fill our drinking water supply.
The engine needed to be checked, and we had a boat orientation. We also, without anyone but the Skipper and myself knowing, conducted a hand-washing experiment.
Skipper Shay put the Glo-Germ, a lotion that mimics the transferring behavior of germs, on her hands (and mine), and then we waited. Reading, talking and, in my case, writing in my notebook, passed the time.
The wind was perfect, but as our captain isn't arriving until tomorrow, we could only sit and watch a lot of sailboats go by on beautiful tacks with their rails almost buried.
After dinner, Skipper Shay revealed her long-anticipated surprise to everyone. I had warned them not to be too excited, but they didn't seem to take me seriously. But I think they were disappointed when their crazy Skipper only turned off the lights and brought out a tiny black light. I don't think they were too impressed, except Daniel seemed pretty interested. I had seen it before, and still find it gross to think about all the real germs that are on doorknobs and things.
Almost everyone slept to sleep on deck tonight because it was nice out. Us girls got the cockpit and the boys either slept on the bow or on the upside-down dinghy at the stern (that was Gus because he's so weird).
Tuesday, August 19th
I don't think anyone got much sleep last night. There were too many ducks around that wouldn't stop quacking all night, and one board of the dock right near der PeLiKan was coming off and kept squeaking against the other boards. But we woke to a lovely west breeze and a building on fire. Not really, but the rising sun reflected off the glass of a sky rise and made it look like it was in flames.
Daniel and I had an adventure making pancakes for breakfast. The stove actually worked, but our batter-mixing technique didn't. Daniel brought a special mixing container, but apparently we forgot the shaken-baking soda experiments we'd all done when we were little, because we put the top on and shook it and then this happened:
The first pancakes came out underdone or a bit black, because the gas on the burners is touchy. But we eventually figured it out and had two skillets going at once to improve time. Everyone was so impatient to eat, but I thought they should have been happy the stove actually lighted.
There weren't that many pancakes, so Daniel made canned beef hash for the first time. I did not brave a taste because to me it looked and smelled disgusting, but the Skipper did try it, and said it tastes like it smells.
Just after the brief meeting the Boatswain of the day (David) held to determine whether cooks should also be galley cleaners (it was voted they should), Rebecca started writing down things people said, to save as humorous quotes (click to read the best ones). She took much delight in it, but not everyone was happy about being recorded. Daniel even stopped talking completely for a while. People who weren't on this cruise definitely won't have a clue what we're talking about.
Then it was time to make at least some kind of plan for where to go and when. I suggested that we go visit the schooner Sultana, which--as the Skipper pointed out in her comment on the last post--would actually be in Chestertown at some point during our cruise. Since nobody had any strong opinions on doing something else, I called the Sultana Projects, Inc. line to confirm that we'd actually get to see her.
Speaking with Drew McMullen, President of Sultana Projects, I learned that the Sultana would be in port all day tomorrow, but sailing from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. on Thursday and Friday. For some reason I had assumed that tours of the Sultana were given, and was disappointed to learn that we would only be able to view her from the dock. But when I mentioned that we were a Sea Scout Ship coming as a group, Mr. McMullen became even more enthusiastic and said he could give us a tour tomorrow at 9:00. What a cool opportunity!
We decided to spend today going up the Chester River and anchoring there overnight before sailing on to see the Sultana tomorrow morning.
Plans after that were hazy besides that we would probably visit Annapolis, but we cast off the lines and got underway. The wind was blowing us right back into the dock, so we had to walk the boat back and swing the bow out, then bring the stern line back aboard.
While I was off duty, I either wrote in my notebook, or watched the waves leap to caress the hull, then sink back and gurgle the rest of the way down der PeLiKan's side.
It wasn't until about 3:00 that we killed the engine and could sail, but that only lasted for roughly 40 minutes before we changed course to go up the river and the wind died.
Two more hours of motoring and we arrived at Comegys Bight, the only named bight on the Chesapeake. You would think that if there are more than one of them (and I think there are around five), they would all be named because, as Captain Nichols explained, bights are a very useful thing. Quoting Wikipedia, "Traditionally explorers defined a bight as a bay that could be sailed out of on a single tack."
After retiring the colors, it was time for the on-board Quarterdeck meeting. We decided that we all think the Amanda Grace should be brought down to Woodbridge and not given to the Carefree Boat Club for a similar arrangement as with Takin' it Breezy. She's ours!
Once that was over with we just relaxed while Gus pretended to drink his own blood. It was actually Kool-Aid powder that he apparently liked to eat and for some reason started licking it off the back of his hand. I imagine it tasted something like a Pixie Stick.
We didn't stay up that late because we had to get up early to make Chestertown in time tomorrow, but we all slept much better because it was so quiet there. A couple more people than last night ended up sleeping below because the wind had picked up just before dinner and it became pretty darn chilly for sleeping on deck.
Wednesday, August 20th
(Aaron's method of keeping warm while at the helm, right.)
We went with the tide and were doing 5.5 knots, even at only 1500 RPM, but I still wish we could have been sailing up the river. Along the way the lookout spotted an iceberg, so of course the Skipper took a picture of it. In case you couldn't guess, it's not really ice, only an inflatable one that's part of an aquatic obstacle course.
It was a good thing there weren't many people around to see us dock, because it wasn't especially nice. der PeLiKan has two anchors, the larger of which, a Danforth, is kept on the portside of the bow--partly because the captains of der PeLiKan like to tie up on the starboard side. But this time Captain Nichols decided to dock on the portside, and the anchor became hung up on one of the pilings. So we had to back up enough to let it slip off.
It was seriously cool, and I can't wait to come back for the Downrigging Weekend (or on a sail any other time!), but Mr. McMullen had a long-planned meeting he had to attend and the tour was much shorter than it could have been if we had time to learn everything we wanted to know.
Everyone who wanted to got a turn trying out the special pulley system for the tiller, as David is doing on the right.
After Mr. McMullen left we took some more pictures of Sultana and the neighboring Elsworth from the dock, and then explored Chestertown for an hour.
As Rebecca and I wandered we stumbled across...
We didn't even spend a whole hour in Chestertown. It's a cute little town, but there really isn't that much to see and the Sultana Center wasn't open yet. So Rebecca, Rob, David, and I went back and sat on a bench near der PeLiKan.
Mate Dan and Gus found something a little more interesting; they chipped in and bought two boxes of Dunkin' Donuts for us to eat after lunch.
(Rebecca concentrates on tying a knot, left.)
I was proud that I understood some of the knots right away, and figured a few out before Gus did, so I showed him how to tie them.
We actually sailed (with no help from the engine) on the Bay for a little while before we had to bring the sails in to go under the Bay Bridge. It's not that you can't sail underneath it, but the winds are unpredictable, so Captain Nichols likes to motor and have more control over the boat.
Through the bridge we went to City Dock in Annapolis and picked up mooring #2, between the Wild Goose III and the Wind Whisperer and near a cutter-rigged catamaran, something I had never seen before.
Daniel and his dad held the boat at a good angle, while I got the job of painting each number. It wasn't hard, but we only had taped paper stencils, so parts of the numbers and letters got a bit drippy or sloppy.
Rob had to leave, so after our dinner of mac and cheese, we made multiple trips in the dinghy to go ashore and see him off. And to get ice cream from Storm Bros, get a new power inverter from Steve Alexander (because the one aboard broke), and take showers! Being clean was definitely highly anticipated by some of us.
Since Commodore Alexander was there to drop off the inverter anyway, he joined us for ice cream and pointed out the Elf, a topsail sloop from 1888, which is docked in Annapolis and in beautiful condition--especially when you realize she's 120 years old (unfortunately, we did not get any pictures).
Thursday, August 21st
Breakfast was an approximate 1.333333 eggs (with American cheese) for each of us, because David divided a dozen eggs between 9 people. Skipper Shay talked the galley slaves into adding fruit cups, and Captain Nichols also cut up the leftover doughnuts so everyone had some.
For stuff to do today we went to the U.S. Naval Academy Visitor Center and looked around, and Gus imitated the stoic pose of one of the mannequins depicting Naval uniforms.
We didn't spend that long there, as we didn't have enough time to take the 75-minute tour of the whole academy and unless you do that, there isn't a whole lot to see.
We wanted to get food at a fully-stocked grocery store, so we planned to walk to the nearby Safeway, which after probably a mile of walking, turned out not to be that nearby at all. It was at least as far we'd already come again. So we just went to a Rite-Aid, which was over-priced, but at least it had a bit more selection than we would find at a 7-Eleven.
I guess we looked like a sea of navy blue while we walked around town, and between that and my mom and Mate Dan's leader uniforms, we received quite a few looks. One couple even said,"Sea Scouts, cool!" and even knew where Occoquan is located.
Just wait until the Scouts get our real uniforms with the patches and everything, then I'm sure people will pay even more attention.
Aaron was the next to leave us, because he'd either sprained or dislocated his shoulder the night before--and had not told anyone. When he finally did tell, the Skipper called his mom and she wanted him to come home. So she arrived to pick him up just after we came back to the dock with the groceries.
Gus really wanted to go to the Ninja Café, a Chinese restaurant he'd seen the night before (and you should have seen the look on his face when he noticed it). Although he was disappointed that they did not serve General Tso's chicken, he bought some shrimp toast, which he declared "super!"
The rest of us ate grilled cheese, and then the head-pumping-out boat arrived. Eew, it smelled gross. Thank goodness I was not one of the ones chosen for handling the hoses.
First David, Rebecca, and I climbed into the dinghy and Daniel and Gus were on deck holding the lines to keep us from drifting away. It was pretty awkward because the dinghy is just not that big, and as we tried scrubbing, our movements pushed us away from the hull. David started out rinsing by throwing buckets of water in the general direction of the boat, but stopped after Rebecca and I shrieked at him for getting us and the bottom of the dinghy wet.
We washed the stern and the whole portside, then Gus, Rebecca, and Daniel did the starboard side. In the middle of that, a Boston Whaler dinghy (so much nicer than an inflatable one!) came by filled with Sea Scouts from another Ship! Captain Nichols had seen a previous load of them going by earlier, and waved to them frantically because it is really rare to meet another unit while on the water. They saw our Ship flag, and came over to say hello.
Ship 37 does not have any boats of its own yet, so they have two charters. We met on the 39' 3rd & Final, which really is not big for however many people were on board. The first activity was camp songs (which I don't know any of, having never been a Girl Scout, nor attended summer camp). I think the other unit's enthusiasm was a bit overwhelming for some members of our Ship, but it was fun. David sang The Irish Rover for us (above right), and led us in Yellow Submarine--which none of us actually knew all the words to, but oh well.
Next was a short little dance party below deck. It was very crowded, and Gus went above to sit at the bow and "be emo." I decided to join him because I needed some fresh air, and soon a sudden flood of people came up also. We snacked on watermelon, told stupid jokes and stories, and just hung out.
It's lucky there are any pictures at all of this, because do you know how bright a camera flash is in the pitch dark? You can't see for several seconds after the flash goes off, but at least two people kept on taking pictures.
Everyone in the above picture and some others exchanged email addresses, and we hope to see them again sometime. Maybe at January's winter training at Catoctin Mountain Park, if they feel like driving that far.
Thursday, August 22nd
Going to sleep around midnight and being awakened by your skipper at 6:00 a.m. is not fun. I had galley duty today, and began making French toast early.
Unfortunately, that meant that I missed when Ship 37 came by in both the Wind Dancer and 3rd & Last, to salute us goodbye and hand over their extra watermelon (somehow no pictures were taken of that, either). Their cruise was ending today, so they had previously stopped by in the dinghy to give us what they hadn't eaten.
We especially liked the watermelon and lettuce, because we'd had about three bags of salad that were frozen from being put in the coldest part of the reefer, our fruit supply was down to 1 banana, and we were feeling a little starved for something fresh.
We set sail for Saint Michael's, MD this morning, and it will take us 6 to 8 hours to get there at an average of 3 knots.
The wheel gets dirty with marine growth very quickly and needs to be cleaned often to keep it accurate--which is the main reason it is not used very much since GPS systems became readily available. To measure the knots, the wheel obviously has to be in the water, and it is placed below the waterline in the hole that is normally filled with a plug. Captain Nichols made sure he had everything ready before unscrewing the plug and putting in the knot-meter.
The Skipper got a perfect shot as water just began to leap through the hull and into the engine room.
Throughout the rest of the trip, we compared that meter with the reading the GPS gave, and it was pretty similar, off by maybe a fraction or two.
Gus had Boatswain duty today, and he had a hard time with it. Giving orders is just not his thing, and he really wanted to help do stuff, but the Boatswain isn't supposed to do any physical work.
The family set sail from Wisconsin nine months ago, and designed and built the 39' Terrapin (shown below) themselves.
David went for a swim with the jellyfish, which thankfully made his feet smell better; I rowed as fast as I could in the dinghy so I could get away from them sooner. Then we ate the spaghetti I made for dinner, and then sanded the aft hatch. A lot.
I spent a frustrating time this evening with David and Gus, charting out tomorrow's course for Baltimore. It was tiring for me because David, who was doing most of the work, wasn't communicating especially clearly to me. I was writing down the courses, buoy numbers, and distance, but he didn't tell me all of them. Plus, no one had explained navigating to Gus, who was completely lost, so, on top of writing things down, I was trying to help him understand.
We did eventually get it done, and then went straight to bed so we could get up early tomorrow and visit the Maritime Museum.
Saturday, August 23rd
Rebecca--and especially Gus--also learned a lesson in making pancakes this morning: don't fill the pan half-full of batter. That was Gus's mistake, but Rebecca had the good sense to pour the batter back into the bowl, leaving only a few small strangely-cooked bits in the pan. The flapjacks they made later were fine, though.
While Rebecca cleaned the galley, I, as Boatswain of the Day, had Daniel and Gus put the motor back on the dinghy so we could go ashore to the museum. We were a bit pressed for time, so we hurried to clean up, but when we arrived at the museum at 9:05, we realized it doesn't open until 10:00, so we decided to go shopping.
On our way around the outside of museum building, we found these painted photo-signs and snapped some quick photos:
We wandered around town and bit and went to the local farmer's market and the Acme, a genuine fully-stocked grocery store! They had fruit, and reasonably priced soda, so we bought some, but somehow the M&M's didn't get rung up or placed in the bag with the rest of our groceries, so we had to do without. :-(
There was too much to see in the few hours we had before we needed to leave, so we breezed through.
Right: Daniel, Gus, and Rebecca (plus myself, who took the picture) check out the below deck of a skipjack in the museum. It was really cramped in there, only two bunks and about a 3 foot ceiling.
Soon, it was time to board the dinghy, wave goodbye to the Lyons, and set sail for Baltimore. Or motor there, as was the case.
It being a weekend, the water is a lot busier than it has been the previous days of our cruise. When we saw that the line for boat fuel was two-deep, we decided to hold off until the marina on the other side of Kent Narrows Drawbridge.
On the way out to the open Bay, at one point we had seven power-
boats coming at us at once. The wakes were really fun to ride, though. Especially for Daniel and Gus, who were cleaning the mud off the anchor at the time. (The bow is usually the best place to be, in my opinion, but you also feel the wakes the most.)
Gus was at the helm, and steered us safely through (looking back after passing beneath the span, right) and over to the dock to refuel and, once again, pump out the head tanks.
As gas prices are high, and der PeLiKan takes a lot of fuel, we spent...
The Skipper must have found this outrageously shocking, because this is one of three pictures taken of the gas pump after fueling up. Fortunately the Ship only had to pay for half of it, the rest of it covered by Friends of Sea Scouts of Maryland.
After leaving Kent Narrows, we just motored for a looong time until we got to Baltimore. Within sight of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, we passed by a cargo ship from Egypt, and a cruise ship, from which the passengers waved. We didn't get pictures of those, either.
During this time, Mate Dan played Master and Com-
mander: The Far Side of the World on his laptop. I had previously seen the movie and although finding it highly detailed, thought it mediocre in other aspects (Hello, where's the plot? How about emotions? Could we even come to care about the characters a little?). I enjoyed teasing him by saying, "Oh, I remember this part, it was boring." And then apparently Mate Dan thought it was boring, too, because here is what he did when watching it.
David said he wasn't tired, but soon he disappeared and when I next saw him he was on deck already asleep. He was so zonked he didn't even wake up when the helicopter with a searchlight whirred right over us. Not tired, indeed!
After leaving Kent Narrows, we just motored for a looong time until we got to Baltimore. Within sight of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, we passed by a cargo ship from Egypt, and a cruise ship, from which the passengers waved. We didn't get pictures of those, either.
We arrived back at Henderson's Wharf around 7:00 p.m., which was a bit earlier than we had calculated. Some of us were a bit disappointed because we didn't get any real night sailing in, but it was probably good we came back earlier because then we had time to hold another Quarterdeck meeting to discuss plans for the Labor Day sail, which we'd forgotten to talk about on Tuesday.
The meeting was rather scattered--I think because we were all a little over-tired--but when we finally finished we played Mad-Libs that were pretty funny, such as this bit from one titled "My Dream Girl":"The girl of my dreams has cautious blonde hair scented like signal flags. Her eyes are like two pools of Coca-Cola. And her lips remind me of noxious skipjacks."
mander: The Far Side of the World on his laptop. I had previously seen the movie and although finding it highly detailed, thought it mediocre in other aspects (Hello, where's the plot? How about emotions? Could we even come to care about the characters a little?). I enjoyed teasing him by saying, "Oh, I remember this part, it was boring." And then apparently Mate Dan thought it was boring, too, because here is what he did when watching it.
David said he wasn't tired, but soon he disappeared and when I next saw him he was on deck already asleep. He was so zonked he didn't even wake up when the helicopter with a searchlight whirred right over us. Not tired, indeed!
It was hard to get up this morning, as we lacked sleep and faced the knowledge that we wouldn't be sailing at all and only cleaning before going home.
We were slow to start, but brown sugar cinnamon and strawberry Pop-Tarts, plus some Skittles and M&M's from David's stash helped us wake up. Then David, the day's Boatswain, randomly assigned jobs using Skittles. Whomever pulled the yellow one out of his hand got the job of cleaning the head, whomever got the red one vacuumed the cushions, etc.
I volunteered to go first, thinking I'd have the best chance at getting something not-too-bad, but guess which one I got? The yellow one...the head. Eew.
It actually wasn't too bad, and wearing rubber gloves helped.
After the three of us had completed our major job assignments, David, Daniel, and I scrubbed the whole deck. David took control of the hose, which he used to "threaten" us to do things, but also to cool us off with a mist.
The whole cruise did not seem like it had lasted a week--it felt more like a weekend--and I don't think any of us really wanted to leave; the sailing and company was just too fun, even after a week of being stuck on a boat together. I think that's remarkable, not wanting to scream at your shipmates to leave you alone after that amount of time together. (But on the drive home David played selections from his iPod that made me want to scream at him. Just kidding, it wasn't that bad--except for the Evanescence.)
If you have read the entirety of this very long post, congratulations. But I got it down to only 10 pages in Microsoft Word rather than the original 25 pages I'd written in my notebook.
Visit the Ship photo gallery, First Long Cruise Album to view more pictures taken during the cruise.
1 comment:
Very thouughtful blog
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