Monday, July 18, 2011


Since Rebecca has been at college, I have taken the job of quote-taker though I do not have nearly as many as Rebecca gets. Here are some quotes from different activities we've done this year.

Winter Training

“I hadn’t noticed it; I was asleep.” –Daniel

“Here’s my lunch!”
“Pickles in a cup?” –Jared and Cameron

“We should all make speeches to embarrass Caitlín. –Daniel

“A B C D E F G” –Cameron

“Did that knucklehead [Cameron] get all that written down?”
“Yes, on receipts.” –MT Peters and Cameron

“What are you going to do to me if I forget to e-mail you?”
“I have my connections!” –Sarah and Jared

“Would that be mean?”
“Absolutely; it’d be great!” –Sarah and Mr. Fucello

COM Circle Cruise

“So Daniel’s in his own private cabin?”
“No. That’s the head door open.” –Skipper and Brenda

“His boots were really cheesy. They were too short, and they weren’t very swash buckling.” –Caitlín

“Everything is dark blue on a sea scout boat: your clothes, the cushions, your face.” –Caitlín

“Ew! Why is this sock wet?” –Caitlín

“She’s taking quotes, everyone, so shut up! –Caitlín

“It’s hissing at you!”
“It’s like my children!” –Sarah and Skipper

“You be our canary, Daniel.”
“Thank you.” –Skipper and Daniel

“You’ve got David in your mind now, don’t you?” –Brenda

“You’re gonna get poop juice on me!” –Brenda

“I could flick you with carrot peels.”
“I could touch you with my poop juice.” –Brenda and Daniel

“We got fans, we got lights--this boat is tricked out!” –Skipper

Long Cruise
“You guys aren’t singing sea songs.”
“Rebecca isn’t here to write everything down.” – MT Anderson and Mr. Fucello

“Go get ‘em, Gus. Get ‘em, get ‘em, get ‘em!”
“Meow!” – MT Peters and Gus

“She shoulda kicked his butt.” – Gus

“Oh, look. There’s the moon.” – COM Alexander [After sitting in the cockpit for 5 minutes…]

“Hey, you guys put the bimini up.” – Brenda

“What’s the difference between lee helm and weather helm?”
“It’s spelled differently.” – Brenda and Gus


“It’s a Ship full of Eeyores.” –Mr. Fucello

“So you’re wrong as of two seconds ago.” –MT Peters

“ ‘Warning; Obstruction overhead.’ Really? There’s a bridge there?!” –Caitlín [reading a construction sign]

“I didn’t know my phone was so smart!” -Skipper