Scouts aboard: Alexei, Augustus,
Caitlín, Daniel, David, Devin, Eric, Jonathan, Rebecca, Sarah.
Adults: Commodore Yeckley, Skipper Shay, Mate Enright

Between 8/2/09 and 8/8/09 members of Ship 7916 spent 6 nights and 7 days aboard the Sea Scout Training Vessel
der PeLiKan, cruising the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Scouts took turns holding posts of varying responsibility, from head cleaner to Galley Chief and Galley Slave to navigator, lookout and pilot, to Boatswain of the Day.
Highights included weathering 4 storms in the first day, a visit to the US Coast Guard station at St. Inigoes, MD, a successful "man overboard" drill, having a swim and ice cream the night we tied up at Oxford, having a ship swim and cookout at Herrington Harbour South Marina,

anchoring out on the Wye River, sleeping on deck when weather permitted, and having a gourmet breakfast on Saturday morning.
The best part for me was when the scouts showed me they are capable of being an effective team when we needed to make an emergency boat repair--and now I expect that from them forevermore.
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